Motorcycle leather jacket protection
Two months ago, we posted an article about the benefits and ease of getting your motorcycle jacket or race suit tailored. That leather is the one thing standing between the asphalt and our soft skin, which makes both the fit and quality of the leather incredibly important.
Proper leather care and maintenance are crucial if you want to keep your riding gear from degrading to a point where it no longer does its job. Leather, made from animal hide, is not that much different from our own skin, and the same rules apply. Too dry, and the leather will be brittle and crack. Too wet, and the leather will be too pliable and will not resist pulling apart upon impact (the same way your callouses soften after a shower).
ZLA: What is the number one problem with jackets and race suits that come in and what’s the fix?
JT: The main issue we see, especially here in Southern California, is perspiration. It makes the leather and interior smell terrible but, more importantly, the salt left when the sweat evaporates absolutely ruins the liner and stitching. The leather is degraded as well, but it’s common to see jackets literally falling apart at the seams. The fix is really easy. All people need to do is use a product like our De-Salter and it will completely take care of the problem. It’s a simple spray that you just coat the inside and outside with and leave on.
ZLA: I’ve noticed that the color seems to fade in a lot of my jackets. How do I prevent that?
JT: Oh, this is an easy one. Nine times out of 10, it’s actually dirt, smog or grime that’s covering your jacket and not actual fading, although this will help with fading, too. Use a leather shampoo and scrub it into the leather. Really work it in with a brush and work those stains of out the leather. Once you’ve finished, wipe the garment clean and then follow up with a conditioner. Just like with human skin, shampoos and cleaners remove the oils. If you don’t condition the leather after you clean it, you’ll degrade the quality of the leather and it won’t hold up as well in a crash.